
» You are a sucker if ...

Hello fellow Americans -- This is my first post on my own blog -- normally I post comments on other people's blogs. More than anything, this is a test to see if I get this "blogspot.com" thing, but the message I am sending here is essential:

suck·er [suhk-er]
–noun A person easily cheated, deceived, or imposed upon.


1. you think that money will "trickle down" to you from the rich.
2. you think Obama is a Muslim. Or a terrorist.
3. your main reason for voting for anyone is that they are pro-life.
4. you think that leasing more land to oil companies will lower the price of gas.
5. you think that a politician will control the price of gas.
6. you think your taxes will go down under McCain (unless you are wealthy).
7. you think the national debt will not be paid off out of your wallet.
8. you think that "tax & spend" is somehow worse than "don't tax and spend".
9. you think that when Republicans talk about lowering taxes, they mean "you".
10. you are safer now than before we invaded Iraq.
11. you are somehow "safer" with a Republican president.
12. you think that teaching "abstinence only" is proper education.
13. you think that God talks to any politician. (i.e. "God wants a pipeline through Alaska")
14. you think that the earth is less than a billion years old.
15. you think that 9/11 was an "inside job".
16. you think that the TV tells you all you need to know.
17. your religion is the one true religion.

... more to come ...

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